People at the Reshuffle were invited to post up what they would like to see from a Social centre.
Here are their thoughts:
* A Place to find out what is going on in Glasgow
* Teach workshop Club – subscription like a gym but you get to use equipment (sewing machine, soldering iron, drill etc…)
* Painting drawing and discussion
* A film Club showing contemporary film from indie Producers (Britain and abroad). Particularly on workers initiatives, struggles and solutions
* Greenspace garden, café and loads of workshops
* Fun, games and art activities for kids. No computers! No TV!
* A place to sing songs and tell stories
* Space for dancing, music, art, performance, chilling
* Some kind of exchange of peoples' unwanted stuff a la freecycle
* Women's evenings
* Free English lessons
* Skill exchange (my knitting for your Arabic, etc,…)
* Set up a thrift shop – second hand clothes and goods- (like a car boot sale)
* Park
* Use older members of community to tell stories or to run reminiscence for all ages
* Rent or share a granny – support for young and single parents
* Organic ethical (not as main feature- as background), run by volunteers workshops, books, computers.
* A communal haven for arts, crafts and good conversation over a lovely piece of cake and tea. + knitting needles
* Place with sofas to relax
* Network with like minded people
* Place to get exposed to alternative movies and books
* Face to face interaction –vs online communities
* A space with no pressure to buy –spend- sell-consume
* Somewhere o go late at night that isn't booze –pub focussed
* Get some archive films from Scottish screen for free community learning
* Space to share serious concerns, plan serious stuff – without feeling like an extremist loony
* Smiles, freedom, fun and enthusiasm
* Arty activities
* Safe meeting place, skill share haven and vegan café
* Create a space where people can create without being exploited
* Space for networking and collaborating
* Discussing and organising
* Space for kids and parents to play together … or better still, a cool and groovy free crèche
* Somewhere to organise – meet –plot- plan audacious and necessary things
* A workshop to learn basic plumbing
* Somewhere for open and honest discussion to be held
* Café and garden
* A space to explore our independence, and the ways we meet our needs as a society
* Music, history and cultural centres
* Plotting and planning – share ideas food the love.
* An alternative to boring pubs.
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