Choir Hire

For this Saturday's Buy Nothing Day we have an Anti Capitalist Christmas Carol Choir rehearsing in the centre at 12pm. They will then proceed to local shopping centres for some lyrical demonstrations....
If you would like to join the choir, please email Svenja.
Sunday 6th December 4pm: Learning the lessons of workplace struggles

The event includes:
3 short films on the Visteon, Prisme and Vestas workplace occupations.
600 ex-Ford workers at Visteon auto-parts factories are sacked with 6
minutes notice without redundancy pay. They respond by occupying their
factories. After the factory occupations and the threat to picket out
workers at Ford's state of the art plant at Bridgend, Visteon and Ford were
forced back to the negotiating table - where they conceded a redundancy
package better than the Fords package the workers were demanding. It is
the biggest redundancy package ever paid out by Ford anywhere! (25 mins.)
Dundee: Prisme occupation
Another great response to the shutting down of a factory, as the cardbouard
packaging workers refuse to leave and plan to reopen the factory as a
workers cooperative. (6 mins)
Save Vestas Wind Turbine Factory
An unprecedented red, green and black coalition support the Vestas workers
occupying to stop the only wind turbine factory in England shutting down.
(19 mins)
Followed by discussion on workplace struggles and how next year's cuts will
affect workers.
Hosted by Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World
A Union For All workers
Clowning Classes start this Thursday

The Rebel Clown Army are gearing up for the Copenhagen Climate Change Convergence. They will host some clowning sessions at the centre to prepare themselves but to also get other people involved in the art of clown activism.
The first session is this Thursday 28th November 7pm. If you are interested in the Titillating Tactics Of Interactive Politics and Radical Play whilst have some serious fun please come along.
BUY NOTHING DAY at the Glasgow Social Centre
Saturday 28th November is the annual Buy Nothing Day. 24 hours out from the Consumer Machine. At the Glasgow Social Centre we will be promoting our FREE Shop from 12-5pm. If you are visiting the centre before then please bring along anything you are willing to swap. Clothes, Books, Household items, anything thats in good shape and you don't NEED anymore. We are trying to stock out the shop as much as possible so people can see on BND that when you stop buying... you start living.

Radical Independent Book Fair: Programme Announced

stalls 12.00 - 9.00pm
Book Event / Film Screening / Public Debate 6.30 - 9.00pm
Cathy McCormack
The Wee Yellow Butterfly is Cathy McCormack’s inspiring story of how, from unpromising beginnings, she has spent her life committed to seeking justice and finding fulfillment. This book is a grassroots analysis of the social, economic and psychological world war waged against the poor under Thatcher, New Labour and the American administrations. At the Sharp End of the Knife - a screening of the documentary film that Barbara Orton and Cathy McCormack made in 1999. “An 'eye-level' view as we go with Scottish activist Cathy McCormack into the township heartlands of South Africa to see how fellow activists are faring, in building the 'New' South Africa. She may be dodging bullets, but in the people she meets, finds energy and inspiration, making intriguing parallels with her own life in Easterhouse and theirs” As well as a relaunch of this book and a rare screening of this film there will be a discussion and public debate around the issues, hosted by Cathy.
Cathy McCormack poderuk@hotmail.com
Note - this film and a selection of related films from Document 7 will be available at the RIB videotheque.
stalls 10.00am - 7.00pm
Refreshments 12.00pm onwards
BrothMix - Stone Soup
An empty pot and a stone is the starter for this soup... it takes its form with whatever donations of vegetables, herbs, pulses and other foodstuffs are given to the pot. So look in the back of your cupboard for a lonely potato or lentil, dig up some winter veg or bring in some garnish and help feed everyone who is hungry! Home made breads and other baking will also be on offer.
Discussion 12.00 - 1.30pm
May Day Open Discussion
Reclaim the Day! What does May Day mean? What do we want it to be? How can we all work together? This forum isn't just hippy navel gazing; by planning ahead we can be more efficient, more effective (more mischievous?) So come along and let us know what you think, whether you're representing an affinity group or an army of one. Dissent isn't just encouraged, it's pretty much an assumed prerequisite, but hopefully we can all at least agree on a date.
Workshop / Discussion 1.30 - 2.30pm
Gender 101
A workshop/discussion on sex, gender and sexuality. As well as looking at the basics we'll be exploring radical trans/queer politics and the relationship between gender and class. We'll also be discussing these issues within the context of radical communities and how we can avoid reproducing systems of oppression. All welcome.
DVD Launch 2.30 - 3.30pm
John La Rose Tribute
John La Rose (1927 - 2006) was a writer and activist who founded the International Book Fair of Radical Black and Third World Books. This new DVD includes documentation of a tribute event for La Rose held in 2006, and features contributions from Linton Kwesi Johnson, Horace Ove, Jim Kelman, Tom Leonard, Raman Mundair, Alasdair Gray and Roxy Harris.
Forum 3.30 - 5.00pm
Glasgow Anarchist Forum
An opportunity for anarchists of all shades to meet, have a chat, see what others are up to and talk about projects and campaigns we'd like to work on. Ideal for those wanting to get involved in activism in Glasgow to find out what's going on and which groups are active.
Discussion 5.00 - 6.00pm
How We Organise
No game playing, no ranting, no moaning, just "organisation".
Film Screening 7.00 - 9.00pm
Zapatistas: Chronicle of a Rebellion
This film has a history of its own. The documentary's first version, originally entitled La Guerra de Chiapas and released in late January 1994, was one of the first journalistic efforts to present and analyse the Zapatista uprising. Ten years later, in 2004, a second version was released. This third and updated edition includes images of the Zapatistas' most recent campaign, ‘la otra campaña’. It also investigates the role of the Zapatistas in the events surrounding the elections of 2006 and their involvement in the (brutally repressed) social movements in Atenco and Oaxaca. Furthermore, this new version documents the Mexican government's strategy of militarization, accelerated under the current presidency of Felipe Calderón, which is putting the Zapatista communities under increasing pressure.
Also for this end of year event we have chosen the RiB 'nimble nine' recommended reads / views / wears - all very recent or brand new stock...
...from No Sweat - FCUK Sweatshops - a new ethical threads T-shirt.
...from Rape Crisis Scotland - Woman to Woman, An Oral History of Rape Crisis in Scotland, 1976-1991 - An important document in the continuing fight against sexual violence today. With testimonials, research and information on various campaigns.
...from AK Press - You Don't Play with Revolution - This book collects seven never-before-published lectures by Marxist cultural critic C.L.R. James, delivered during his stay in Montréal in 1967-1968. Ranging in topic from Marx and Lenin to Shakespeare and Rousseau to Caribbean history and the Haitian Revolution, these lectures demonstrate the staggering breadth and clarity of James’ knowledge and interest.
...from the Association of Scottish Literary Studies - The First Men on Mercury - A graphic adaptation by Metaphrog of a poem by Edwin Morgan. As a way to interest children in poetry thousands of these have been distributed across all Glasgow Secondary Schools. We have got our grubby paws on a few hundred so help yourself!
...from Glasgow Games monitor 2014 - The Eastend Eye - A new newsletter produced by a group of residents, activists and campaigners who are concerned about the effects of the regeneration in the East end of Glasgow through projects such as the Commonwealth Games and the Clyde Gateway Initiative.
...from the IWW - I don't want scabs touching my mail! - support your local posties with these striking wee stickers - current industrial action may be off, but the new winter of discontent is just starting.
...from the Bridge - Don't Moan - Organise! - a specially made badge for this event. Bring in a badge to swap and take away one of these limited edition classics.
...from Lansdowne Productions - A Massacre Foretold - DVD of the film by Nick Higgens. Nearly a decade ago, a terrified village in Southern Mexico sought refuge in a small wooden church and awaited their inevitable fate. Until now the full story of the massacre at Acteal has never been told.
...from Reel News - Reel News Issue 20 - DVD compilation including - Climate Camp: Copenhagen, Save Vestas Wind Turbine Factory, Plymouth: Stop the Nuclear Waste Dump, and Tower Hamlets College all out Strike - Victory!
...as well as hundreds of titles we will also have the most recent issues of Mute, Variant, Black Flag, Scottish Left Review, Burgh Angel, Resistance, Anarchist Critic and the brand new AK Distribution catalogue - perfect for browsing through in between RiB's...
Programme for this Saturday night: Haiti Night - Why black is the new green?
5.30-6.30 Bitter Cane Documentary
6.30-7.00 Ade from Haiti Project
7.00-7.30 Break/food/drinks
7.30-8.30 Nnimmo Bassey Chair of Friends of the Earth International and Executive Director of Friends of the Earth Nigeria speaking on Oil, the environment and human rights
Able Miller of Skills Scotland Ltd - the recycling social enterprise and Zimbabwean refugee
Grasian Mkodzongi (Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations Scotland officer - but also an Agornomist from Zimbabwe), Adie from Haiti,
Graham Campbell of African Caribbean Network
dan glass of Plane Stupid and DIY Education Collective for Environmental and Climate Justice
8.30-8.50 Popular education skillshare on understanding the relationships between environmental and social justice
8.50- feedback
9.10- Ade from Haiti Project
9.30- Voodoo Secrets Documentary
10.030- Drums and dance music party
6.30-7.00 Ade from Haiti Project
7.00-7.30 Break/food/drinks
7.30-8.30 Nnimmo Bassey Chair of Friends of the Earth International and Executive Director of Friends of the Earth Nigeria speaking on Oil, the environment and human rights
Able Miller of Skills Scotland Ltd - the recycling social enterprise and Zimbabwean refugee
Grasian Mkodzongi (Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations Scotland officer - but also an Agornomist from Zimbabwe), Adie from Haiti,
Graham Campbell of African Caribbean Network
dan glass of Plane Stupid and DIY Education Collective for Environmental and Climate Justice
8.30-8.50 Popular education skillshare on understanding the relationships between environmental and social justice
8.50- feedback
9.10- Ade from Haiti Project
9.30- Voodoo Secrets Documentary
10.030- Drums and dance music party
Projektions line up for this Sunday
*Films from 7pm* – Reach for the sky: campaigning on aviation
- Copenhagen Climate camp
- Save Vestas wind turbine factory
There will also be speakers between the films.
*Bands from 9pm* – My Old Blue Terraplane (headline)
- Honey and Herbs.
- Duncan Thomas
- Portcullas
- Special invited artist The Djembe Bwembes.
*D.J.s from late* – Level 32.
- Copenhagen Climate camp
- Save Vestas wind turbine factory
There will also be speakers between the films.
*Bands from 9pm* – My Old Blue Terraplane (headline)
- Honey and Herbs.
- Duncan Thomas
- Portcullas
- Special invited artist The Djembe Bwembes.
*D.J.s from late* – Level 32.
Knitting and Theatre groups
Day of the Dead Video
Video from last Sunday's event. Apologies for the poor sound at the end. Please email Mark if you would like more information regarding the Chiapas Solidarity group.
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